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Exam Code: NO0-002
Exam Name: Nokia (Nokia Security Administrator )
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Total Q&A: 98 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-22
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NO.1 To what location/directory does Voyager make changes
(Choose one):
A. /config/db
B. /conf/
C. /var/conf
D. /var/admin
Answer: A
Nokia pdf NO0-002 test NO0-002 NO0-002
NO.2 The correct switch for single user mode from Boot manager on an IP440 is:
A. -s
B. Boot-p
C. b-f
D. -singlemode
Answer: A
Nokia questions NO0-002 exam prep NO0-002
NO.3 You can no longer gain access to your Nokia firewall via secure
communications. What command will give you access and reset http:
A. Voyager -e 0 80
B. Set voyager ssl-level 0
C. Apachd -0 httpd.conf
D. Set Httpd -r -s
Answer: A, B
Nokia test NO0-002 NO0-002 NO0-002 braindump NO0-002
NO.4 What is not true of DNS on IPSO with Checkpoint NG (Choose one):
A. Checkpoint needs this in case of domain usage in policy
B. Reduces the number of hostname file assignments (less IP's required to be entered
C. Requires least one host entry of the machine itself, for Checkpoint
D. DNS must be enabled at startup for the NAP to function correctly
Answer: D
Nokia practice test NO0-002 NO0-002 NO0-002 original questions
NO.5 What are invalid commands in the boot manager (Choose one):
A. Boot
B. Set-defaults
C. Ls
D. setRAID
E. setenv
Answer: D
Nokia NO0-002 NO0-002 original questions NO0-002
NO.6 What are the correct duplex settings. Which gives the more complete answer.
A. Console - Half Duplex and Full Duplex for a Serial connection
B. Cat6 Always full duplex
C. Serial always full duplex
D. Full Duplex - Switch and Half Duplex - Hub
Answer: D
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The most correct answer in this case would be Full Duplex for a switch, Half Duplex for
a hub
NO.7 The Default priority for VRRP:
A. 100
B. 10
C. 110
D. 1
Answer: A
Nokia original questions NO0-002 questions NO0-002 NO0-002 NO0-002 original questions NO0-002
NO.8 At what value must the TTL for a VRRP packet be set to:
A. 250
B. 255
C. 10
D. 100
Answer: B
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NO.9 What is the correct flow of data on a NAP. Consider there is a fresh installation of
Checkpoint NG installed (Choose the best answer):
A. Wire - Ethernet Driver - FWrulebase - Routing- NAT- Ethernet Driver -Wire
B. Wire - Ethernet Driver -FW rulebase&NAT - Routing- FW1- Ethernet Driver- Wire
C. Wire - FW Rulebase - Routing - NAT - Ethernet Driver - Wire
D. Wire - FW1rulebase - NAT - Routing - Ethernet Driver - Wire
Answer: B
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NO.10 User UID of 0 will give:
A. Admin permissions of root on the machine
B. Backup user permissions on the enforcement module
C. Monitor user permissions
Answer: A
Nokia test NO0-002 test NO0-002 exam
Setting the UID of 0 from the Voyager or the CLI will give the same machine
permissions as the root user on a Nokia IPSO device
NO.11 What ICLID command will show the version of the OS:
A. Show running config
B. Copy run start
C. Show version
D. Fw Ver
Answer: C
Nokia certification training NO0-002 NO0-002 test
NO.12 What command will allow you to view the current connections table (Choose two):
A. fw tab -t connections -s
B. fwconn -i
C. fwtable -i
D. cpconntab -t
Answer: A, C
Nokia study guide NO0-002 NO0-002 NO0-002 exam
NO.13 You want to live messages in the log file. What command would you use via clish
(Choose one):
A. Vi -e /var/log/messages
B. Tail -200 /var/db/messages
C. Tail - t /var/log/messages |more
D. Fw log -nft
E. Tail -f /var/log/messages
Answer: E
Nokia NO0-002 exam simulations NO0-002 NO0-002
Tail -f views messages in real-time. Fw log views the Firewall connection logs in
NO.14 When using voyager what will make permanent changes after a reboot (Choose
A. Clicking apply
B. Clicking apply and then save
C. Saving changes from advanced fw config
D. Clicking apply and rebooting the NAP
Answer: B
Nokia dumps NO0-002 NO0-002 questions NO0-002 NO0-002
Clicking apply only saves changes to the running configuration. Which are overwritten at
startup by /config/db/inital
NO.15 Commands to terminate an ICLID session are:
A. Close
B. Exit
C. Stop
D. Quit
Answer: B, D
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NO.16 What commands can display interface statistics (Choose one):
A. Ifconfig -a (iclid)
B. Ipconfig -a (clish)
C. Show interface (clish)
D. Ifconfig -a (clish)
E. Show interface (iclid)
Answer: D, E
Nokia questions NO0-002 NO0-002 dumps NO0-002 questions NO0-002 exam prep
NO.17 'What is correct of DNS and hostfiles on IPSO (Choose all that apply):
A. The hostfile is located in /etc/resolv.conf
B. Can use a hostfile if DNS is disabled
C. Checkpoint uses when retrieving policy with Checkpoint Policy Provider
D. A hostname must be an FQDN
E. Required for Checkpoint Licencing
Answer: A, B, D, E
Nokia NO0-002 certification training NO0-002 exam NO0-002 test answers NO0-002
NO.18 What is the location of the hosts file on IPSO (Choose one):
A. /var
B. /var/config
C. /etc/hosts
Answer: C
Nokia braindump NO0-002 certification training NO0-002 NO0-002 test questions
NO.19 Misuse is accepted as non-attack activity from inside the company itself:
A. False
B. True
Answer: B
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NO.20 What are the advantages of an external syslog server Vs data log files (Choose
A. External backup of logs in case of malicious activity
B. Guaranteed delivery of logs
C. Multiple indexing and searching of logs
D. Ability to see more information and select what outputs including internal facility and
severity fields?
E. Allows a user to see Object ID
Answer: A,C,D
Nokia NO0-002 NO0-002
Incorrect answers:
B - There is no guarantee of delivery. The NAP could be down, or the syslog daemon
E - You will not see Object ID's. What you would be able to see is the remote device IP
and hostname.
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