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Exam Code: M2080-241
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Enterprise Marketing Management Sales Mastery Test v1 )
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 30 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-30
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NO.1 How is the Coremetrics Software as a Service (SaaS) product used in IBM ¯ s MM
product lineup?
A. It is used as a deployment model to optimize online marketing.
B. It is used as a recovery mode to recover from online disasters.
C. It is used as a replication server to replicate marketing information.
D. It is used as a tracking product for tracking customer transactions.
Answer: A
IBM questions M2080-241 M2080-241 pdf
NO.2 What is one of the main competitors for IBM ¯ s E MM o ff e ri ngs i n t he m a r ke t p l
A. Teradata
B. IndustryTrends
C. OpenAnalytics
D. NetTrends
Answer: A
IBM M2080-241 test answers M2080-241
NO.3 What is the value proposition of the Unica Leads product offering?
A. To deliver quality leads in a timely manner.
B. To create new market channels through leads generation.
C. To offer new product offerings through channel marketing.
D. To sustain existing channels through demand generation.
Answer: A
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