
Exam A2010-005 VCE

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Exam Code: A2010-005
Exam Name: IBM (Assess: IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.1 Solution Designer)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 100 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-03-19

Through Pass4Test you can get the latest IBM certification A2010-005 exam practice questions and answers. Please purchase it earlier, it can help you pass your first time to participate in the IBM certification A2010-005 exam. Currently, Pass4Test uniquely has the latest IBM certification A2010-005 exam exam practice questions and answers.

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NO.1 As part of the solution,multiple organizations and sites have to be created and roating
assets will be
moved between sites tha blong to differnet organizations.What must be done to meet this
A. create a common location.
B. create a global rotating suspense account
C. create an item set and assign it to all organizations.
D. create a company set and assign it to all organizations.
Answer: C

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NO.2 The client has outlined in the discovery phase of the project that they want to
incorporate three
divisions,and each has a diferent chart of accounts with the same GL account
configuration.From this
information,how many organizations should be created for the solution is required to be
decided. How
many organizations should be created?
A. one
B. two
C. four
D. three
Answer: D

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NO.3 which data type will be used in IBM maximo asset management V7.1 to accepet data
from an external
system which contains upper and lower case alphanumeric characters?
Answer: A

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NO.4 What is the life cycle for a Migration Manager Package?
A. define,Create,Distribute,and Deploy.
B. create,Define,Distribute,and Deploy.
C. Create,Approve,Activate,and Distribute
D. Design,Approve,Populate,and Distribute.
Answer: A

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NO.5 Onet or more solutions for each functional gap now have been identified where the
solution requires
one to vary from using standard IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.1.Which two factors are
used to
calculate the impact of each soulution for the project success?(Choose two)
A. length
B. urgency
C. Priority
D. Risk to business
E. difficulty to implement
Answer: DE

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NO.6 The client requirements outline the need for advanced tracking of process
measurements such as
temperature,pressure,and flow. These measurement and test equipment requirments are
determined to
exceed standard IBM Maximo Asset Management capabilities.Which industry solution or
add-on will
provide this and other features?
A. Maximo Calibration
B. Maximo for service Providers
C. Maximo linear assest
D. Maximo lnstruments and controls
Answer: A

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NO.7 Which two methods are available to migrate data from a legacy system to IBM
maximo Asset
management V7.1(MaM)(choose two)?
A. use a data mapping tool to link the legacy database to the MAM data warehouse and
update the MAM
B. Extract data from the legacy system and create SQL.statements to insert the data directly
into the MAM
C. connect the legacy database to the MAM database and synchronize the required data by
using an
external data mapping tool.
D. Extract data from the legacy system to comma-separated value files and use the data
import option of
the lntegration framework
E. restore the legacy database on the MAM database server,connect MAM to the legacy
reorganize the tables.view.and fields.
Answer: BD

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NO.8 The customer's legacy system has no functionality to create custom integrations.
Which two options
are available to migrate data from a legacy system to an IBM Maximo asset management
environment?(Choose two)
A. Export data from the legacy system and import data as a database dump.
B. Directly insert extracted data from the legacy system into the MAM database.by using SQL
C. Extract data from the legacy system into flat files and use the Maximo Migration Manager
to migrate
the data into MAM.
D. use the data migratiion option in the maximo lntegration Adapter.after having extracted
data from the
legacy sysem into the comma-separated value(CSV)files.
E. Use the data import option in the lntegration Framework.after having extracted f
Answer: BE

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NO.9 At which date level do contracts,Labor,and chart of Accounts reside?
A. set
B. site
C. system
D. organization
Answer: D

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NO.10 The client requirements outline the need for advanced Asset lifecycle features to
estimate compatible
units or replacement assets,This requirement and other crew management related
requirements are
determined to exceed standard IBM Maximo Asset Management capabilities.Which industry
solution or
add-on provide this and other features?
A. Maximo Linear Assets
B. Maximo for Utilities
C. Maximo for Life Sciences
D. Maximo service Management
Answer: B

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NO.11 Which statement defines a maximo asset in IBM Maximo Asset Management
A. A Maximo Asset is a record in MAM used to identify equipment.
B. A Maximo Asset is a record in MAM used to identify company assets.
C. A Maximo Asset is any entity described in MAM to capture events and costs
D. A Maximo Asset is any physical entity described in MAM to capture events and costs
Answer: B

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NO.12 which three data elements are commonly interfaced to IBM maximo asset managment
V7.1 from an
exaternal purchasing system? (choose three)
A. calendars
B. vendor names
C. organzationgs
D. order quantities
E. person information
F. receipt quantities
Answer: BDF

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NO.13 At a high leve1,around which three data levels are IBM Maximo Asset Management
V7.1 functionality
and security built?(Choose three)
A. site
B. system
C. assets
D. Locations
E. Work Order
F. Organization
Answer: ABF

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NO.14 A customer wants to produce bar code labels for Assets containing specification
data,Which type of
requirement will this be considered as?
A. configuration
B. custom report
C. customization
D. class file extension
Answer: B

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NO.15 if a customer has a requirements list,when is the best time to review this list with the
customer and
classify the requirements?
A. at the end of the design phase
B. as the first task of Design phase
C. during the process design workshops
D. at the beginning of the configuration phase
Answer: B

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NO.16 As part of setting up IBM maximo asset management V7.1,organization(s) and site(s)
are required to
be created and an organization has to ben actived. What are the required steps to activate an
A. Create a GL account,update organizations transfer asset account,and activate the
B. Define the GL account codes,update organizations transfer asset account,and activate the
C. Define the asset account codes,update organizations transfer asset account,and activate
D. Create the asset account,update organizations transfer asset account,and activate the
Answer: B

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NO.17 A client needs any work order that is created to be categorized by using specific
CAPEX=capital expenditure (capital).This is to allow the to report the difference between
proactive,recative,and capital works.Which organization option will be use to fefine these
A. work type
B. categories
C. work options
D. classifications
Answer: A

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NO.18 Which data is commonly imported into the IBM maximo asset management V7.1
through an interface
when integrated with an exatermal purchasing system ?
A. assets
B. work orders
C. vendor data
D. meter readings
Answer: C

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NO.19 which external system can be interfaced to IBM Maximo Asset Managment V7.1 to
improt meter
A. Hubometer
B. Fixed Assets
C. General Ledger
D. Control System
Answer: D

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NO.20 At which data level do asset,locations,and purchase orders reside?
A. set
B. site
C. system
D. organization
Answer: B

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