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Exam Code: 1Z0-873
Exam Name: MYSQL (MySQL 5.0 Database Administrator Certified Professional Exam, Part I)
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NO.1 Which of the following is true of a MySQL client and server?
A. They must be run on the same type of Operating System.
B. They must be run on the same hardware architecture.
C. They do not have to be run on the same type of Operating System.
D. They do not have to be run on the same hardware architecture.
Answer: C,D
MYSQL 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 exam prep 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 exam
NO.2 mysqldump can be instructed to dump...
A. Only table structures
B. Only data
C. Both table structures and data
Answer: C
MYSQL 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 practice test 1Z0-873
NO.3 Which of the following statements are true for locks established by the InnoDB storage engine?
A. It sometimes escalates locks to page level.
B. It sometimes escalates locks to table level.
C. It sometimes escalates locks to page or table level.
D. It never escalates locks to page or table level.
Answer: D
MYSQL 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 dumps
NO.4 Which one of the following statements can be used to start MySQL 5.0 manually from the command line
on windows?
A. C:\> C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqladmin -u root start
B. C:\> C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqld
C. C:\> C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql_start
Answer: B
MYSQL test answers 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 pdf 1Z0-873 1Z0-873
NO.5 Which of the following statements correctly describes the way to enable and use shared memory
connections to the MySQL database server?
A. Shared memory connections are available by default on all platforms, but must have TCP/IP
networking disabled by using the --skip-networking option.
B. Shared memory connections are supported on all windows binaries, and is enabled by default.
C. Shared memory connections are supported on all windows binaries, and must be enabled by using the
--shared-memory command line option.
D. Shared memory is not a supported communication method for the MySQL database server.
Answer: C
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NO.6 Which of the following is true for how the InnoDB storage engine uses diskspace?
A. It stores its data, index and undo information all in its own tablespace.
B. It stores its data in .MYD files, in the respective database directory, and its index and undo information
in its own tablespace.
C. It stores its data and index in .MYD and .MYI files, in the respective database directory, and undo
information in its own tablespace.
D. It stores its data, index and undo information in .MYD and .MYI files, in the respective database
Answer: A
MYSQL exam simulations 1Z0-873 dumps 1Z0-873 study guide 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 answers real questions
NO.7 MySQL is a multi-threaded database server. Every connection to the database server is handled by it's
own thread.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
MYSQL 1Z0-873 test questions 1Z0-873 pdf 1Z0-873 test 1Z0-873 exam
NO.8 Which of the following are requirements for InnoDB binary portability?
A. Both machines must use the same operating system.
B. Database and table names must use lowercase format.
C. Both machines must use two's-complement integer arithmetic.
D. Both machines must use IEEE floating-point format or contain no floating-point columns.
Answer: B
MYSQL 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 1Z0-873
NO.9 Which of the following best describes the processing model for how the MySQL server handles
A. The server uses a one-tier processing model in which each storage engine optimizes and processes
each query issued against it.
B. The server uses a two-tier processing model: a SQL/optimizer tier and a storage engine tier.
C. The server uses a three-tier processing model: a SQL/optimizer tier, a formatting tier and a storage
engine tier.
Answer: B
MYSQL 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 certification training
NO.10 Which of the following statements are true regarding the data directory on a Windows binary
A. A script needs to be run to initialize it after installation.
B. It comes pre-initialized.
C. You can choose to pre-initialize it or initialize it manually during the installation.
Answer: B
MYSQL practice test 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 1Z0-873
NO.11 When making connections to a MySQL server on a Unix platform, which of the following is true?
A. TCP/IP connections are faster than socket file connections.
B. Socket file connections are faster than TCP/IP connections.
C. TCP/IP and Socket file connections are equally as fast.
Answer: B
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NO.12 Which mysqld command line option disables incoming TCP/IP connections?
A. --shared-memory
B. --memlock
C. --no-networking
D. --skip-networking
Answer: D
MYSQL test 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 test answers
NO.13 In a standard MySQL installation which of following files are stored below the data directory?
A. Format files for all the tables
B. Data and index files for MyISAM tables
C. InnoDB tablespace files
D. General server logs
E. MySQL upgrade script files
Answer: A,B,C,D
MYSQL 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 test questions
NO.14 Where is the data stored for a table that is defined as using the FEDERATED Storage Engine?
A. The data will always be stored on the local host.
B. The data will always be stored on a remote host.
C. The data can be stored on any host depending on the definition of the table.
D. The data will always be stored on disk.
E. The data will always be stored in memory.
F. The data will be stored according to the storage engine of the referenced table.
Answer: B
MYSQL 1Z0-873 1Z0-873
NO.15 Which of the following is true for the command-line programs mysqlcheck and myisamchk?
A. mysqlcheck must run on the server to perform checks and repairs and myisamchk can perform checks
and repairs on a remote server.
B. mysqlcheck can perform checks and repairs on a remote server, and myisamchk must run on the
C. Both mysqlcheck and myisamchk can perform checks and repairs on a remote server.
D. Neither mysqlcheck or myisamchk can perform checks and repairs on a remote server.
Answer: B
MYSQL 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 test 1Z0-873 test answers 1Z0-873
NO.16 Which of the following package types are provided specifically for UNIX-style OS installations?
A. Essentials
C. Source
D. tar-packaged binary
Answer: B
MYSQL 1Z0-873 certification training 1Z0-873 answers real questions 1Z0-873 study guide 1Z0-873
NO.17 Another user has issued LOCK TABLES pets READ You can...?
A. Update table pets
B. SELECT from table pets
C. UPDATE and SELECT from table pets
D. None of the above
Answer: B
MYSQL 1Z0-873 pdf 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 dumps 1Z0-873 test answers
NO.18 Of the following mechanisms available to connect a MySQL client to a MySQL database server, which
types of connections are only available on Windows based systems?
B. Sockets
C. Shared Memory
D. Named Pipes
Answer: C,D
MYSQL 1Z0-873 1Z0-873
NO.19 Which of the following best describes how MySQL utilizes the grant table buffers?
A. The grant table buffer loads grant table information into memory for fast access.
B. The grant table buffer loads what users are currently logged in and performing queries.
C. The grant table buffer holds requests waiting to check the grant table to perform access-control.
Answer: A
MYSQL test questions 1Z0-873 1Z0-873 1Z0-873
NO.20 Which of the following APIs/connectors are included in a MySQL distribution?
A. Connector/J
B. Connector/ODBC
D. Connector/NET
E. Connector/MJX
Answer: C
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All the IT professionals are familiar with the MYSQL 1Z0-873 exam. And everyone dreams pass this demanding exam. MYSQL 1Z0-873 exam certification is generally accepted as the highest level. Do you have it? About the so-called demanding, that is difficult to pass the exam. This does not matter, with the Pass4Test's MYSQL 1Z0-873 exam training materials in hand, you will pass the exam successfully. You feel the exam is demanding is because that you do not choose a good method. Select the Pass4Test, then you will hold the hand of success, and never miss it.