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Exam Code: 646-580
Exam Name: Cisco (Advanced Security for Account Managers-ASAM)
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NO.1 In which two ways does a Cisco solution directly reduce the cost of operation? (Choose two.)
A. by minimizing the number of vendors that supply security
B. by improving competitive advantage
C. by reducing overall management complexity
D. by addressing security pain points
E. by avoiding information theft
Answer: A,C
Cisco 646-580 646-580 answers real questions 646-580 braindump
NO.2 You are meeting with a customer who is concerned about remote employees connecting to
network with infected systems and spreading infection across the corporate network. How should
you position the Cisco SDN with this customer?
A. The Cisco Self-Defending Network provides technologies that have intelligent insight into what
is running oncomputers, so there is no possible way for remote employees to connect to the
network with infected systems.
B. The Cisco Self-Defending Network is adaptive, distributing security technologies throughout
every segment of thenetwork to enable every network element as a point of defense.
C. The Cisco Self-Defending Network includes NAC, which evaluates devices that may not have
the latest antivirussoftware or operating system patch, and either denies access to those devices
or quarantines them.
D. The Cisco Self-Defending Network includes integration, which enables a more proactive
response to threats withgreater operational efficiency through the consolidation of multiple
services on the devices.
Answer: C
Cisco 646-580 646-580 practice test
NO.3 How does business case alignment improve the overall success of network integration?
A. by increasing customer satisfaction
B. by recommending change to the customer
C. by defining project milestones
D. by assessing the realization of ROI and other benefits of the security system
E. by assessing the current state of customer operations
Answer: B,D
Cisco questions 646-580 646-580 646-580 test questions 646-580 study guide
NO.4 How do you begin a meaningful security discussion with a customer?
A. Identify customer security needs and assets that need protection.
B. Discuss individual products such as the firewall.
C. Install security agents and IPS.
D. Explain that there are many products that will meet customer needs.
Answer: A
Cisco 646-580 646-580 646-580 646-580 646-580 test answers
NO.5 Which two of these statements describe why it is important to have a proactive security
when dealing with data centers and security? (Choose two.)
A. Applications being attacked account for 75 percent of network downtime.
B. Data centers are becoming more virtual and automated.
C. Data center traffic is inherently secure.
D. Data center traffic is decreasing.
E. Attacks are becoming more sophisticated.
Answer: B,E
Cisco 646-580 practice test 646-580 646-580
NO.6 How does the Cisco Security Agent work in conjunction with third-party antivirus software?
A. Cisco Security Agent checks the status ofthird-partyantivirus software and makes a decision
about compliance.
B. Cisco Security Agent checks the status ofthird-partyantivirus software and forwards it to
thethird-partyantivirus policy server.
C. Cisco Security Agent checks the status ofthird-partyantivirus software and forwards it to the
policy server (ACS).
D. Cisco Security Agent enhances the security by sandboxing the applications and the system in
addition to the antivirus protection offered by the antivirus software.
E. Cisco Security Agent makes the antivirus software superfluous.
Answer: D
Cisco certification 646-580 646-580 demo 646-580
NO.7 Which two of these best describe how the Cisco Lifecycle Services approach provides value for
partners? (Choose two.)
A. improves network availability
B. reduces risk in deploying and supporting technologies
C. increases ROI
D. improves customer satisfaction ratings
E. increases staff productivity
Answer: B,D
Cisco dumps 646-580 certification 646-580 exam simulations 646-580 original questions 646-580
NO.8 What are two outcomes of preparing for the business requirements workshop? (Choose two.)
A. defining detailed customer requirements
B. aligning the solution with customer business needs
C. discovering which requirements conflict with the solution
D. defining stakeholders
Answer: A,D
Cisco 646-580 practice test 646-580 test questions 646-580
NO.9 Cisco's security solutions allow organizations to protect productivity gains, reduce overall
operating costs and enable mission critical deployment of new and existing technologies. Which
government regulation makes it possible to sell a Cisco Security Solution to companies collecting
financial information?
B. AS/NZS 4360
C. BS7799/ISO 17799
Answer: D
Cisco dumps 646-580 exam prep 646-580 646-580 braindump 646-580 exam
NO.10 Which threat can be traced back to the application abuse pain point?
A. Day Zero worms and viruses
B. unauthorized user access
C. protocol manipulation
D. operational complexities
E. DoS attacks
Answer: C
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