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Exam Code: 000-M39
Exam Name: IBM (IBM WebSphere MQ Technical Sales Mastery Test v2 )
Pass4Test is a website to meet the needs of many customers. Some people who used our simulation test software to pass the IT certification exam to become a Pass4Tes t repeat customers. Pass4Test can provide the leading IBM training techniques to help you pass IBM certification 000-M39 exam.
000-M39 Free Demo Download: http://www.pass4test.com/000-M39.html
NO.1 What is required for WebSphere MQ v7 to support publish-subscribe messaging?
A. A queue manager
B. A publish-subscribe broker that has the same name as the queue manager
C. A separate broker process that is associated with each queue manager
D. ASupportPac is available to provide publish-subscribe functionality
Answer: A
IBM 000-M39 000-M39 exam
NO.2 In order to write messages to a queue what operation must be done first?
A. Connect to the queue
B. Verify queue is empty
C. Set the queue to read/write mode
D. Open the queue
Answer: D
IBM exam simulations 000-M39 000-M39 000-M39 study guide 000-M39
NO.3 What is the name of the MQMD field that a message producer uses to ensure that no consumers
receive a message after a message has been on a destination queue for a specified period of time?
A. Timeout
B. Expiry
C. TimeToLive
D. MaxAge
Answer: B
IBM practice test 000-M39 000-M39 test 000-M39
NO.4 Which topic string is NOT valid for a subscribing application to get all messages about fresh fruit if a
topic tree exists with the following topic hierarchy: deli/fresh; deli/fresh/fruit; deli/tinned/nuts;
A. deli
B. deli/+/fruit
C. deli/fresh/fruit
D. deli/#
Answer: A
IBM 000-M39 exam simulations 000-M39
NO.5 Which of the following is NOT a channel connection enhancement new in WebSphere MQ v7?
A. MQI channel connections can be shared
B. SSL encryption for each MQI Channel connection
C. Read-ahead for non-persistent messages
D. Automatic client reconnection
Answer: B
IBM 000-M39 test 000-M39
All the IT professionals are familiar with the IBM 000-M39 exam. And all of you dream of owning the most demanding certification. So that you can get the career you want, and can achieve your dreams. With Pass4Test's IBM 000-M39 exam training materials, you can get what you want.