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Exam Code: 070-577
Exam Name: Microsoft (Microsoft Windows@ Embedded Standard 2009, Development)
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070-577 Free Demo Download:
NO.1 You are creating a Windows Embedded Standard run-time image. You need to create
multiple user accounts. What should you do?
A. Add multiple instances of the User Account component to the SLX file.
B. Add the Administrator Account component to multiple SLX files.
C. Use Component Designer to create a component that includes a custom security
template (.inf) file.
D. Add the User Account component to multiple SLX files.
Answer: A
Microsoft 070-577 questions 070-577
NO.2 You are creating a Windows Embedded Standard run-time image. You need to identify
the file system component that meets the following requirements:
Set access level to files and folders for each user level.
Allow transparent encryption of files and directories for users and programs. Which
component should you use?
A. NTFS file system (NTFS)
B. File Allocation Table (FAT)
C. Compact Disc File System (CDFS)
D. Universal Disk File System (UDFS)
Answer: A
Microsoft 070-577 070-577 070-577 test 070-577
NO.3 You are developing a Windows Embedded Standard device that contains multiple user
accounts. You add the required number of User Account components. You need to
configure the User Account components to meet the following requirements:
Users must be able to modify the system settings.
Users must be unable to install programs that affect the system files. Which User Type
should you set?
A. Guest
B. User
C. Power User
D. Administrator
Answer: C
Microsoft demo 070-577 070-577 070-577 exam 070-577 answers real questions
Pass4Test's product is prepared for people who participate in the Microsoft certification 070-577 exam. Pass4Test's training materials include not only Microsoft certification 070-577 exam training materials which can consolidate your expertise, but also high degree of accuracy of practice questions and answers about Microsoft certification 070-577 exam. Pass4Test can guarantee you passe the Microsoft certification 070-577 exam with high score the even if you are the first time to participate in this exam.