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Exam Code: 9L0-063
Exam Name: Apple (Mac OS X v10.7 Troubleshooting Exam)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 65 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-04-27
9L0-063 Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Which of the following Intel Processors are supported for install of OS X Lion?
A.Intel Core Solo
B.Intel Core Duo
C.Intel Core 2 Duo
D.Any Intel Processor
Answer: C
Apple original questions 9L0-063 9L0-063 9L0-063 practice test
NO.2 A customer has purchased a MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2011).They set the Mac up without transferring
any of their personal data.A few days later they realize they need the contents of their previous machines
Users folder. How can they easily obtain the data from their older Macbook?
A.Boot to the Recovery HD to run the Migration Assistant.
B.Use the Finder to manually migrate the files via Wi-Fi or ethernet.
C.The customer will have to purchase the Migration Assistant at the Mac App Store.
D.The Migration Assistant is stored in the Utilities folder and can be run at any time.
Answer: D
Apple 9L0-063 9L0-063 pdf 9L0-063 test answers 9L0-063
NO.3 A customer upgrades their Mac to OS X Lion but still wishes to run applications written for the PowerPC.
Choose the best solution for this issue:
A.Erase the hard drive and reinstall OS X Snow Leopard.
B.Download Rosetta by purchasing it at the Mac App Store.
C.PowerPC applications are no longer supported regardless of OS X version.
D.Create a dual boot configuration with OS X Snow Leopard on one partition and OS X Lion on another.
Answer: D
Apple 9L0-063 9L0-063
NO.4 Please examine the image above.
A customer with a MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2011) sees this image on their screen. What would cause
their Mac to display this image at startup?
A.Lion Internet Recovery has started downloading the Recovery HD image.
B.The Mac is starting up from the Recovery HD.
C.EFI has detected a hardware issue.
D.Apple Hardware Test is loading.
Answer: A
Apple test questions 9L0-063 9L0-063
NO.5 A customer uses her MacBook late at night and occasionally has to restart.Despite having muted the
speaker volume, the MacBook always plays the startup chime loudly. What step should you try first to
resolve this issue?
A.Reset the SMC.
B.Reinstall OS X Lion.
C.Repair disk permissions.
D.Reset the PRAM/NVRAM.
Answer: D
Apple 9L0-063 9L0-063 9L0-063
NO.6 If you choose to install OS X Lion on a RAID volume, which of the following features will be disabled?
A.Time Machine
B.Full Disk Encryption
C.Recovery HD partition
D.Resetting a lost password
E.Migration Assistant data transfer from a Windows PC
Answer: B, C
Apple 9L0-063 9L0-063 test questions 9L0-063 exam dumps 9L0-063 9L0-063 exam prep
NO.7 Which of the following is a software tool is NOT available on the Recovery HD?
A.Disk Utility
B.Network Utility
C.Activity Monitor
D.Restore from a Time Machine backup
Answer: C
Apple test answers 9L0-063 test answers 9L0-063 braindump 9L0-063 dumps
NO.8 What is the recommended version of OS X Snow Leopard before installing OS X Lion?
Answer: D
Apple demo 9L0-063 9L0-063 dumps
NO.9 A customer running OS X Lion would like to set up a Firmware Password. Where can they find the
Firmware Password Utility?
A.In the Utilities folder on their startup disk.
B.In the Applications folder on their startup disk.
C.In the Security & Privacy Systems Preference pane.
D.In the Utilities menu when booted to the Recovery HD.
Answer: D
Apple original questions 9L0-063 9L0-063 9L0-063 9L0-063
NO.10 What new feature of OS X Lion allows a customer to reset their login password without having to startup
from the Recovery HD?
A.Safe Boot.
B.EFI reset mode.
C.Single User mode.
D.Reset a password using an Apple ID.
Answer: D
Apple 9L0-063 9L0-063 questions 9L0-063 test answers 9L0-063 study guide
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