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Exam Code: HP2-Z09
Exam Name: HP (TippingPoint Advanced Technical Security Products)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 76 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-04-17
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NO.1 What does the Threat Management Center (TMC) allow you to do? (Select three.)
A. Download TOS images.
B. Access knowledgebase articles.
C. Remotely log in to your IPS.
D. Download Digital Vaccines.
E. Download custom Digital Vaccines.
Answer: A, B, D
HP HP2-Z09 certification HP2-Z09 original questions HP2-Z09
NO.2 Jack, Kevin, and Louise are responsible for various administrative functions on the TippingPoint
solution. Louise is the manager of the group and is defined on the SMS as a super-user. Jack and Kevin
are both defined as administrators. Jack is responsible for network operations and uptime, and Kevin is
responsible for security policy.
Which permissions should you grant? (Select two.)
A. Jack should only be granted permissions for the IPS devices.
B. Louise should be granted permissions to all segment groups, devices, and profiles.
C. Kevin should be granted permissions for the IPS devices.
D. Kevin should only be granted permissions to the appropriate profiles and segment groups.
Answer: A, D
HP certification HP2-Z09 demo HP2-Z09 test
NO.3 How can the TippingPoint Threat Management Center (TMC) be accessed? (Select three.)
A. directly by your SMS, if your SMS has a valid TMC username/password
B. by anyone with a browser and valid TMC username/password
C. using an FTP client
D. directly by your IPS
E. directly by your SMS, as your SMS does not need a TMC username/password
Answer: B, D, E
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NO.4 A security administrator for a TippingPoint IPS suspects that an employee has logged into the IPS and
altered its configuration. How can the security administrator analyze and undo all of the unauthorized
A. by reviewing the IPS system log, searching for filter hits from the employee
B. by reviewing the IPS audit log, filtering by the employee ¯ s use r na m e and / o r I P add r es
C. by reviewing the configuration changes listed in the IPS alert log
D. by reviewing the IPS block log (the employee would have been blocked)
Answer: B
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NO.5 By default, what is an IPS single super-user called?
A. By default, the single super-user is called root.
B. By default, the single super-user is called SuperUser.
C. By default, the single super-user is called admin.
D. There is no default user.
Answer: D
HP HP2-Z09 exam simulations HP2-Z09 exam HP2-Z09 certification
NO.6 A security administrator at a university has been tasked with identifying the TippingPoint IPS that would
best meet the university's needs. The university has a complex network, with a mixture of both fiber and
copper wiring. IPS protection must be provided for three copper segments and two fiber segments. The
aggregate bandwidth (with expansion capacity) is not expected to exceed 3Gbps over the next four years.
Which TippingPoint IPS solution should the security administrator recommend?
A. 2 TippingPoint 330s and 1 TippingPoint 600E
B. TippingPoint 5000E or TippingPoint 5100N
C. TippingPoint SMS
D. TippingPoint 5100N only
Answer: D
HP HP2-Z09 HP2-Z09 HP2-Z09 certification training
NO.7 Which statements about the Digital Vaccine are true.? (Select three.)
A. Installing a new Digital Vaccine will reboot the IPS.
B. Some filters have a Recommended setting of Disabled.
C. Some filters have a Recommended setting of Enabled.
D. Digital Vaccines can be automatically down loaded and installed on the IPS.
E. New Digital Vaccines are released at 2 p.m. EST.
Answer: B, D, E
HP exam simulations HP2-Z09 questions HP2-Z09 test HP2-Z09 HP2-Z09 questions HP2-Z09 test answers
NO.8 What is the serial console speed of an IPS?
A. 9600
B. 19200
C. 115,200
D. user configurable
Answer: C
HP exam dumps HP2-Z09 HP2-Z09 HP2-Z09 HP2-Z09
NO.9 An IPS can be managed and unmanaged from the SMS. How can you unmanage an IPS? (Select two.)
A. from the SMS Web interface
B. from the SMS client
C. from the IPS LSM Web interface
D. from the IPS CLI using conf t sms disable
Answer: B, C
HP original questions HP2-Z09 HP2-Z09
NO.10 Multiple user accounts can be created on an IPS device. Each can be assigned to one of three roles:
super-user, administrator, or operator. Which statements are true about these roles? (Select two.)
A. An administrator can reset the audit log.
B. A super-user can create new accounts and edit existing account passwords.
C. An operator is a view-only role.
D. Only the super-user can reboot an IPS.
Answer: B, C
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