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Exam Code: HP3-042
Exam Name: HP (HP LaserJet 5200 Series Printers Service and Support)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 30 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-04-17
HP3-042 Free Demo Download: http://www.pass4test.com/HP3-042.html
NO.1 The HP LaserJet 5200L comes with which two of the following? Select TWO.
A. 500-sheet input tray
B. one open DIMM slot
C. duplex unit
D. hi-speed USB 2.0 port
Answer: B
HP original questions HP3-042 HP3-042 HP3-042 HP3-042
NO.2 When removing/replacing the assembly, for which internal assembly must you first remove the cartridge
door unit?
A. control panel assembly
B. laser/scanner assembly
C. face down delivery unit
D. cassette-paper pickup unit
Answer: B
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NO.3 Which of the following are customer self-repair parts? Select THREE.
A. tray 1 pickup roller
B. formatter
C. memory DIMMs
D. main fan duct
Answer: A,B,C
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NO.4 What printer drivers are included on the inbox CD for the HP LaserJet 5200 series printer.? Select
A. Linux
B. PCL 5e
C. PostScript 3
D. PCL 6
Answer: B,C,D
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NO.5 How many motors do HP LaserJet 5200 series printers contain?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: D
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Article Link: http://www.pass4test.com/HP3-042.html