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NO.1 What is the name of the interactive prospecting tool that you can take your customers
through to get a
sense of what they need to improve on to become a social business.?
A. WebSphere Portal Zone
B. ICAT (IBM Collaboration Assessment Tool)
C. IBM Smarter Planet
D. Lotus Greenhouse
Answer: D
IBM exam dumps M2040-641 M2040-641 VCE Dumps M2040-641 test M2040-641 Exam Dumps
NO.2 What is a suggested sales tactic to use when a customer requests a specific point
solution for their
environment, like ° j us t need an i Phone app f o r m y w ebs it e , t ha t' s a l ¡ ±
A. Refer them to Apple's website.
B. Start lowering the price of your services and software bid.
C. Invite your technical architect to tell them about developing iPhone apps.
D. Show them a demo of all the possibilities that an Exceptional Web Experience can offer
Answer: C
IBM Exam Dumps M2040-641 M2040-641 study guide
NO.3 At a high level, WebSphere Portal allows you to _____________.
A. defragment unbuffered sectors, optimize disk storage, integrate RAID devices
B. create pivot tables, summarize column data, paste across multiple cells
C. integrate content, applications and processes; reach out to a wide variety of devices, and
users so they can create, target, socialize, optimize and realize.
D. color sample across images, retouch blurry photos, create freehand mask selections
Answer: C
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NO.4 What development tool can create template-based portlets as well as mobile
applications for
WebSphere Portal?
A. IBM Web Content Manager
B. IBM Lotus Domino Designer
C. IBM Mashup Center
D. IBM Web Experience Factory
Answer: D
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NO.5 What is a general definition of an IBM WebSphere Portal Industry Template?
A. It is a website-in-a-box
B. It is a downloadable PDF document
C. It is an introductory-priced services engagement
D. It is the fullest featured offering of WebSphere Portal
Answer: A
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