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NO.1 Which two of the following DB2 performance features will ignore clustering in favor of
faster insert
performance? (Choose two.)
A. Append
B. Inline LOBs
C. Member cluster
D. Volatile table
E. Include columns
Answer: A,C
IBM Exam PDF A2090-612 Test Questions A2090-612 Real Questions
NO.2 What would be a reason for altering the clustering index of a table?
A. To increase free space.
B. Because the clustering index has to match the primary index.
C. To choose a clustering index to favor batch sequential processing.
D. To choose a clustering index to promote sequential inserts at the end of the table space.
Answer: C
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NO.3 In using plan stability, what storage space requirement should be of carefully
Answer: C
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NO.4 What is a consideration when specifying DATA CAPTURE CHANGES?
A. Can be specified for capturing changes to an XML object.
B. To minimize logging, specify NOT LOGGED when DATA CAPTURE CHANGES is
C. REFRESH TABLE statement is not allowed with a table defined with DATA CAPTURE
D. You cannot turn on DATA CAPTURE CHANGES if the table space is in advisory REORG-
Answer: D
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NO.5 What IBM provided stored procedure will access DB2 real time statistics tables?
Answer: C
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NO.6 If a single row of the PLAN_TABLE has a 'Y' value in more than one of the sort
composite columns,
what is indicated.?
A. The next sort step will perform two sorts.
B. There are multiple sorts in the plan step.
C. One sort in the plan step will accomplish two tasks.
D. Two sorts are performed on the new table of a star join.
Answer: C
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NO.7 When DB2 detects at runtime requiring a large amount of data to be read, which
prefetch method is
used more often?
A. List prefetch
B. Dynamic prefetch
C. Sequential prefetch
D. Skip sequential prefetch
Answer: B
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NO.8 What trace class will show deadlock information?
A. Audit class 3.
B. Statistic class 3.
C. Accounting class 1.
D. Performance class 8.
Answer: B
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