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NO.1 When using word investigation with one of the provided name domain rule sets, what
does the
qsInvCount field represent on the Token Report for the name columns being analyzed?
A. A frequency count of the number of names in a record
B. A frequency count indicating how many times a pattern was encountered
C. A total count that indicates how many name columns have tokens
D. A frequency count that indicates how many times the word tokens are encountered
Answer: D
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NO.2 Which of the following is NOT a goal for re-engineering data?
A. Enrich data
B. Prevent source data quality issues
C. Create multiple views of business entities
D. Identify hidden attributes from free-form fields
Answer: B
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NO.3 What two graphical reports are produced by an Investigate stage? (Choose two)
A. Word Pattern Report
B. Column Pattern Report
C. Frequency Word Report
D. Frequency Pattern Report
E. Invalid Token Frequency Report
Answer: C,D
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NO.4 If your input data contains only the value "DO NOT USE" consistently in the Name
field, which type of
domain-specific object would best be used to override this condition?
Answer: B
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NO.5 What 4 files are part of the QualityStage rule set?
Answer: A
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NO.6 What does the qs_Inv_Pattern field represent in the Pattern Report when using Word
with one of the provided domain address rule sets?
A. A value example of address data that match the pattern
B. An individual word value that is found inside the address input columns
C. A generated pattern that describes the address input columns
D. The classification of the token that is based on the address domain rule set
Answer: C
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NO.7 Which two of the following methods are possible ways for selecting the "best"
candidate for surviving a
field value? (Choose two)
A. Longest
B. Average match score
C. Reference table lookup
D. Most frequently occurring
E. Least frequently occurring
Answer: A,D
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NO.8 You are required to analyze source system data with an Investigate stage. Which two
functions can
this stage perform? (Choose two)
A. Classifying tokens
B. Identifying duplicates
C. Changing invalid data
D. Creating reference tables
E. Creating pattern distributions
Answer: A,E
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