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NO.1 Which of the following statement is true regarding SmartEvent Intro? SmartEvent Intro:
A. requires no license, only a contract
B. has been discontinued
C. is free, and therefore requires no license
D. only view events from one blade
Answer: D
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NO.2 During the Application Control Discovery process, what is the best source of information for
decisions on blocking or not blocking an application?
A. The Help Desk
B. The Group Manager
C. The User
D. The Security Administrator
Answer: C
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NO.3 Which of the following actions applies to a Risk Level of 2 - Low?
A. Potentially not business related
B. Can bypass security or hide identities
C. Can be misused and cause data leakage or malware infection
D. Can cause data leakage or malware infection without user knowledge
Answer: A
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NO.4 Which of the following actions applies to a Risk Level of 3 - Medium?
A. Potentially not business related
B. Can cause data leakage or malware infection without user knowledge
C. Can be misused and cause data leakage or malware infection
D. Can bypass security or hide identities
Answer: C
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NO.5 Which of the following actions applies to a Risk Level of 4 - High?
A. Can cause data leakage or malware infection without user knowledge
B. Can bypass security or hide identities
C. Potentially not business related
D. Can be misused and cause data leakage or malware infection
Answer: A
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NO.6 Which of the following actions applies to a Risk Level of 1 - Very Low?
A. Can cause data leakage or malware infection without user knowledge
B. Can bypass security or hide identities
C. Potentially not business related
D. Usually business related, with low risk
Answer: D
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NO.7 Who is best able to provide the justification for allowing access to some higher risk
A. The Help Desk
B. The Security Administrator
C. The User
D. The Group Manager
Answer: C
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NO.8 Which of the following actions applies to a Risk Level of 5 - Critical?
A. Can bypass security or hide identities
B. Potentially not business related
C. Can be misused and cause data leakage or malware infection
D. Can cause data leakage or malware infection without user knowledge
Answer: A
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