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Exam Name: Rational Team Concert V4
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Last Update: 2014-09-18

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C2010-568Exam Code: C2010-568
Exam Name: IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics V7.1 Implementation
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C2010-568 Practice Exam Total Q&A: 112 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-09-18

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Exam Name: Assess: IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.3 Administration
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Last Update: 2014-09-18

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NO.1 When configuring IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application
Diagnostics V7.1 Agent for
WebSphere Applications Data Collector, which two types of components can be selected to
(Choose two.)
A.WebSphere CIS Server
B.WebSphere Data Server
C.WebSphere HTTP Server
D.WebSphere Process Server
E.WebSphere Application Server

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NO.2 Which level of monitoring is required to use the Memory Leak Diagnosis Page?
A.Level 1
B.Level 2
C.Level 2+
D.Level 3

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NO.3 Using the memory option Memory Leak Diagnosis, what is the most efficient way to
determine if an
application has a memory leak in a test environment?
A.Run a continual steady load for the suspected application. Review the % Growth field to
which object is the leak.
B.Run a continual steady load for the suspected application. Review the # of Objects
Surviving Last GC to
determine which object is the leak.
C.Run a steady load for the suspected application for a given time. Stop the application. After
several GC
cycles, review the % Growth field to determine which object is the leak.
D.Run a steady load for the suspected application for a given time. Stop the application. After
several GC
cycles, review the # of Objects Surviving Last GC field to determine which object is the leak.

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NO.4 When viewing a stack trace in the Managing Server Visualization Engine, where is the
method found
which is causing the slow down in performance?
A.at the top of the trace
B.on page 2 of the trace
C.at the bottom of the trace
D.on the last page of the trace

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NO.5 Which statement is true regarding configuration of monitoring of a WebSphere
Application Server
running on an IBM i 6.1 POWER System using IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for
Diagnostics V7.1?
A.Data Collector (DC) must be installed on IBM i machine and Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Agent (TEMA)
on the remote host
B.TEMA must be installed on IBM i and DC on the remote host
C.both TEMA and DC must be installed on the IBM i system
D.TEMA and DC must be installed on the remote host

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NO.6 Which two parameters are needed when configuring the J2EE Data Collector for
JSAS on iPlanet
Application Server (IAS)? (Choose two.)
A.SJSAS Domain Admin Server Listen Home
B.Sun Java System Application Server Home
C.Sun Java System Application Server Version
D.SJSAS Domain Admin Server Listen Address
E.Sun Java System Application Server Operating System

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NO.7 How is IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics V7.1
Managing Server
started and stopped on UNIX?
A.ms-start.sh, ms-stop.sh
B.am-start.sh, am-stop.sh
C.am-ctl.sh start, am-ctl.sh stop
D.ms-ctl.sh start, ms-ctl.sh stop

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NO.8 Which three parameters are needed when configuring the J2EE Collector for Oracle?
(Choose three.)
A.Oracle Home
B.Application Server Hostname
C.Application Server IP Address
D.Application Server Control Password
E.Application Server Control Host Name
F.Application Server Control User Name

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