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Last Update: 2014-09-20
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NO.1 What must a Business Partner do to be approved and receive a Software Value Plus
Identify and/or Sell
fee payment?
A. Demonstrate active selling engagement with the customer for the IBMproducts by
providing supporting
documentation that shows their activitiesthat contributed to thecustomer sdecision.
B. Indicate when the opportunity is won and provide supporting documentationto show their
influence of
thecustomer sbuying decision when they submittheir SVI payment request.
C. No action needed.
D. A & B
Answer: D
IBM M2180-228 Bootcamp M2180-228 Real Questions
NO.2 To register an opportunity for Software Value Incentive program, the partner should do
A. Call the IBM sales person s/he knows is already in the account beforeanything else.
B. Have your Company's PartnerWorld programadministrator enterstheopportunity into the
Global Partner
C. Contact your Value Add Distributor.
D. All of the above.
Answer: B
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NO.3 If you need to demonstrate Cast Iron's capabilities to a prospect, you can _.
A. setup a demo system by purchasing the IBM Value Package which includesthe Hypervisor
version of
Cast Iron (e.g. virtual appliance)
B. make a request to your local IBM sales rep for WebSphere Cast Ironassistance
C. use IBM's pre-recorded demos on its Website
D. All of the above.
Answer: C
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NO.4 The premium SVI incentive fees are paid for Eligible End Users that IBM designates as
business (GB). How can SVI-approved Business Partners find out if an End User is
designated as GB?
A. Signing onto the Passport Advantage Online tools and following the onscreen instructions
to access
the Price Quote Order (PQO) tool.
B. Contact your Value Add Distributor (VAD)
C. Search on
D. A & B
Answer: A
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